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Psychotherapy Services, LLC

Changing Patterns

Changing Patterns

Psychotherapy Services, LLC

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We provide mental health services to adolescents, adults and family members by helping them develop their inner resources to manage behaviors and create positive behavioral and lifestyle changes using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with a specialization in treatment for personality disorders.



We provide both in-person and Video Tele-Health for your convenience. If you are feeling poorly or exhibiting any cold-like symptoms, RSV, Flu or COVID-19, please select the Video Tele-Health option for your therapy session.

IMPORTANT: If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call emergency services or go immediately to the nearest emergency room. 

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950

Hello! I'm Tex.

I am the psychotherapist for Changing PatternsPsychotherapy Services, LLC.

My practice provides mental health services to adolescents, adults and family members by helping them develop their inner resources to manage behaviors and create positive behavioral and lifestyle changes using Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT), Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), MotivationalInterviewing (MI), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),specializing in treatment for personality disorders.

Tex Ellis


  • Certified Personality Disorder Treatment Provider (C-PD)
  • Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider

Subscribe to my PODCAST or catch me LIVE on YouTube

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950

What is Telehealth?

Through audio and video over the internet, you can meet with your clinician on-the-go from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device (iOS or Android) - it's your choice!

Telehealth allows us to connect anywhere with secure and convenient appointments that save you time and hassle. There's no need to deal with traffic when you can schedule and attend your appointments directly from a laptop or mobile device.


What is Telehealth?

Through audio and video over the internet, you can meet with your clinician on-the-go from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device (iOS or Android) - it's your choice!

Telehealth allows us to connect anywhere with secure and convenient appointments that save you time and hassle. There's no need to deal with traffic when you can schedule and attend your appointments directly from a laptop or mobile device.

What equipment do I need?

To participate in Telehealth appointments from your home, you will need one of the following devices:

  • Desktop computer with a webcam, speakers, a 2.5 GHz processor, and 4 GB of RAM OR
  • Laptop computer with built-in webcam and speakers, a 2.5 GHz processor, and 4 GB of RAM OR
  • Tablet device with built-in webcam and speakers, OR
  • Smartphone with at least iOS 10 or Android 7.0(Note: To use a smartphone, you must first download Telehealth by SimplePractice - available for iOS or Android in the app store.)
  • You will also need an internet connection that is at least 10mbps. For optimal results, a reliable, high-speed internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 10 mbps will minimize connection issues and provide the best quality.

Note: We recommend using the Pre-call Tool to check your internet connection.

The day of the call

Using a desktop or laptop computer

If you plan to use a desktop or laptop, there is nothing to download prior to your appointment. Here are the steps to join:

  • Approximately 10 minutes before your appointment, you'll receive an email appointment reminder.
    • Note: If you have already consented to receiving text and/or email reminders, you will continue to receive them for Telehealth appointments as well. For new clients, make sure you have provided your email and or mobile phone number so that I can enable email or text reminders.
  • Click the unique link embedded in the reminder. You may have to copy and paste the link into your web browser if clicking the link does not work. Your video call screen will now open in a new tab.
  • If the therapist has already joined the call, you will see his face on the screen. If not, you will see yourself.
  • You will also see the Welcome prompt. Click Play test sound to test the your camera and microphone settings.
  • When you are ready, click Join Video Call. This will take you straight into the video call.

Tip: For information about enabling camera and microphone access, please see: How to enable camera and microphone access for Telehealth.

Using a smartphone or tablet

If you plan to use a mobile device, here are the steps to join:

  • Download Telehealth by SimplePractice (for iOS or Android) in the app store. Approximately 10 minutes before your appointment, you should receive an email appointment reminder.
  • Open the reminder email on your device and click the unique link. This will open the Telehealth by SimplePractice app.
  • If the therapist has already joined the call, you will see his face on the screen. If not, you will see yourself.
  • When you are ready, click Join Video Call. This will take you straight into the video call.

Note: There may be a slight delay for the therapist to join the appointment if finishing with a previous appointment. Please be patient and the therapist will join momentarily.

Tips for success

  • It is recommend for you to join the video appointment a few minutes early to test your settings.
  • If you can connect to the Internet, but are having trouble joining the video, you can use our recommended Pre-call Tool.
  • To use a smartphone to join a video chat, you must first download the Telehealth by SimplePractice app available in the app store for iOS or Android.
  • If you need to cancel or have questions about the appointment, please contact our office.

What should I do if I didn’t get the reminder with the link?

Contact me if you did not get the link so I can send it to you via email or secure messaging.

What can I do to do improve the quality of the connection?

If you live in an area with slow internet, this can really affect the speed of your connection. Here are some basic steps that can improve the overall quality:

  • Use wired Ethernet instead of wifi whenever possible. Wifi will work, but you may experience a lag and interference, which can make your video and audio choppy. If you experience a lag or interference while using Wifi, we recommend moving closer to your router. However, wired internet will give you a much smoother, more consistent experience.
  • Test your internet connection speed. Google provides an easy way to test your internet connection directly from the google homepage. Simply search: internet speed test. Click the blue button that says Run Speed Test. If it is under 10mbps and you’re using wifi, try using a wired internet connection or restarting your router.
  • Close other programs. If you have several programs running in the background, closing them will almost certainly improve the quality. Also, make sure you’re not downloading any large files.

If you are unable to connect, please contact our office as soon as possible to help you troubleshoot.

How should I prepare my space for a Telehealth appointment?

  • Identify a suitable room that is quiet, private, and free of distractions.
  • To keep background noise to a minimum, make sure to close any doors, shut windows, turn off the television, and keep loud pets in another room if possible. Consider hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door to avoid interruptions.

Is Telehealth private?

Just like a face-to-face appointment, your Telehealth visit will be private and confidential.

Will the appointments be recorded?

None of our appointments will ever be recorded or stored.

Tex is a Maryland Board-approved supervisor for those seeking to obtain their LCSW or LCSW-C.

His supervision philosophy is one that not only allows the supervisee the opportunity to discuss their cases, but provides them guidance and mentorship on a variety of issues that arise between clinicians and clients, operating a practice, dealing with emotions that may arise in practice and enabling the clinician to become a better therapist through continual education and guidance.

Tex Ellis

Candidates seeking supervision are required to have direct face-to-face oversight, a minimum of 3 hours of face-to-face supervision per month or 1 hour of face-to-face supervision for every 40 hours worked.

Only 72 hours (50 LCSW) of group supervision may count towards the 144 hours (100 for LCSW) of supervision required for advanced licensure.

Supervisees must be knowledgeable about Maryland Health Occ. Code Ann. (“H.O.”) §19-302 of the Social Work Practice Act (H.O. §§ 

19-101 etseq.) and Regulations governing the Practice of Social Work COMAR 10.42.01 to 10.42.08. Obtain a copy of the Board’s supervisory approval which can be found on the Board’s website under the verification section.( and Group Supervision is available. Group Supervision may be available at a reduced rate.

To inquire about Supervision and availability, please fill out the contact form below or telephone our office.

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950

Tex Talks Books:

Tex is an avid reader and a proponent of regular reading to develop skills, strengthen the mind and expand one's perspective.

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950

DISCLAIMER: Information contained in these videos is for educational purposes only. It should not be perceived as a substitution for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. It does not take the place of psychological or medical services. If you are experiencing any conditions or have specific symptoms and you might suspect that you are suffering from a mental or medical problem that would require mental health or medical services, please seek out the appropriate specialist for assistance. 

IMPORTANT: If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call emergency services or go immediately to the nearest emergency room. 

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950


We provide both in-person and Video Tele-Health for your convenience. If you are feeling poorly or exhibiting any cold-like symptoms, RSV, Flu or COVID-19, please select the Video Tele-Health option for your therapy session.

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950


We provide both in-person and Video Tele-Health for your convenience. If you are feeling poorly or exhibiting any cold-like symptoms, RSV, Flu or COVID-19, please select the Video Tele-Health option for your therapy session.

Our office is conveniently located in a two-story brick building off of Chinquapin Round Rd in Annapolis between West Street and Forest Dr/Aris T. Allen Drive.

Access and free parking for the offices are in the rear of the roadside retail businesses. (Subway Sandwiches landmark.)

Park in rear. Take the elevator located at the building's center--between the two end stairways--to the second floor and enter the glass doors marked 2-I.

Doors are locked after hours. All visits are by advance appointment.

Handicapped parking and wheelchair access are available.

Front view of building
Office Building Entrance

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950

IMPORTANT: Information contained in this website or videos are for educational purposes only. It should not be perceived as a substitution for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. It does not take the place of psychological or medical services. If you are experiencing any conditions or have specific symptoms and you might suspect that you are suffering from a mental or medical problem that would require mental health or medical services, please seek out the appropriate specialist for assistance. 

IMPORTANT: If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call emergency services or go immediately to the nearest emergency room. 

2019-2024 © Changing Patterns Psychotherapy Services, LLC ~ (443) 261-5950